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Christmas Time

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It seems strange to be sitting here a week before Christmas trying to keep my mind focused on the task in hand whilst in the uppermost of my mind are the words “its Christmas!”

I love this time of the year, not so much the commercialisation of Christmas but more the time between Christmas and New Year, when the excitement of the day has passed and I slip into a very settled comfortable place in my mind where I begin to reflect on how things have been REALLY over the last year.  Its highs and its lows . . . but I digress!

That’s how easy it is for my mind to wander off into that place . . . I think that I must be very very comfortable there why I rush to it so . . . it is so familiar! and right now it is a week before Christmas.

It is important to stay focused on the task in hand;
food-shopping list, tick,
presents list, tick,
extra presents for the unexpected guests, tick,
TV guide! tick
ooooooooooooooh wine,tick!!!

What this day brings out in me is my organisation skills.  Unlike my mother and those of her generation I simply do not think it is reasonable to expect me to be able to cater for in excess of 15 people solo.  I am not super woman and so all I have to do on the day is check the timings for the meats and get them in on time and then wait for the rest of the food to arrive; Sister-in-law with the veggies, she simply loves parsnips, (me I don’t quite understand why the carrots are white!).  Brother with the Christmas pud soaked correction drowned in alcohol.  Brother-in-law with the duck and goose and other goodies (he’s a chef).  Sister with the other puds and the kids with their fancies.  Oh its all so so Christmassy I love it.

I know that not everyone celebrates Christmas nor are so fortunate to have family and friends to share the day with which is why our day is so full.  As soon as I have got the meats in I am off in the car to pick up some people who would otherwise not have anyone to share Christmas day with, my little bit of Christmas spirit and joy shared.   Although there are times, I wonder if it might be a little too much for our guests as we are a large family of 15 without them ooh well I’m sure it will be fine.

What will you be up to this time next week?

Whatever it is, I wish you very Merry Christmas.


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